Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Welcome to the world of tomorrow

At last we meet for the very first - err.. second - time

Yes, I know, I already started this blog in another address (crapdemo.blogspot.com), but I'm even more craptastic than these demos.

First I forgot my password. I usually only use some standard password with random numbers in it, but this time I tried something different and of course couldn't remember it.

Second thing - I mistyped my e-mail address and because of that I'm unable to get my password from password recovery.

Welcome to the craptastic blog of a craptastic person.


Anonymous said...

you suck dude. even more than all the mfx demos

sauli said...

I understand that losers like you might get depressed when they find out that their killer production is just another craptastic demo.

And another thing -
I didn't ask for your comment, I didn't want your comment and I didn't ask for your comment, dude!

BugoTheCat said...

Great blog! There are some demos I didn't know before reading your blog (probably because they were too crap to notice ;)

I have linked you in my blog and check frequently for more funny crap :P